Thursday, June 7, 2012

Who is my daughter's husband

Who is my daughter's husband?
I am a poor minister of Cauldkirk, a remote Scottish hamlet. Once an English tourist knocked on our door late in the evening - he lost his way. He fell ill, and stayed in bed for a month. My daughter, Felicia, and my sister Judith nursed him. He fell in love with Felicia and proposed to her. I enquired about his income, his character, and made them wait for 6 month to test them. Both waited, persisted, and married 6 months later. They went on a honeymoon to France and Switzerland. Felicia was very happy. They came back home, and she changed. I visited them, and she told me that her husband acted most strangely: for the first week he came out in the morning to do business in the City, he said; a week later morning business stopped and he started going out in the evening, to his club, he said. He has a closed private room, and buys my daughter expensive presents. Felicia saw him once talking to a loud and vulgar woman with yellow hair. I suspect that he is a gamester. What should we do? When we ask him directly, he shouts and becomes angry.
Books & Authors - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is the strangest question... Apparently, I have not read the book.
2 :
Mr Marmaduke
3 :
Oh, he's worse than a gamester... your daughter has married one of those 'spouting rogues' of the playhouse, and not only a minor Player but Barrymore himself! Beware! She is already being corrupted with a love of the theater!
4 : What a search this time. Marmaduke Falmer is who Felicity married, though he ends out to actually be the famous actor Barrymore, of whom Felicity's father disapproves. Wilkie Collins wrote this one...
5 :
Yeah, we are sure being kept on our toes o.O

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